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Sunday Update – January 18, 2015

Well, I'm 39 years old today. I had lots of plans for this weekend including sitting on the couch reading, writing, eating awesome food at two dinners at fancy restaurants, and getting lots of sleep. Unfortunately, none of that happened. My babysitter cancelled on Friday night, my husband got the flu sometime during Friday night, everything got cancelled, and I got no sleep because I slept on the couch. This is another one of those birthdays where I have to tell myself, “At least I am alive with a roof over my head.” And so begins my 39th year on this planet… This may be the final year I stop trying to celebrate my birthday. For eight years running, some crazy illness, wintery weather, or just the stars aligning poorly have interfered with any kind of plans I've made. I know when to throw in the towel.


You may have noticed things are a little different on the blog. I've changed over to a new template and so far I'm pretty happy with it. I wish it was a tad more flexible but I'm making do. It's a hell of a lot better than my old template that wouldn't allow me to move anything around on the backend because a plugin was interfering with drag & drop. I gleefully deleted that theme and all its plugins yesterday morning when I made the switch. There are a few things in this template I need to fix, plus I want to change the fonts, and make special pages for each of my books, but it's running smoothly enough to debut it!

What else happened this week…

My evening with a heating pad. My shoulders are killing me. #dailyphoto #ig2015 #365days

I suffered a ton of shoulder pain this past week so my heating pad was my BFF.

Lifting weights at the gym. One of my favorite things. #dailyphoto #ig2015 #365days

I worked out FOUR times this week and each day included lifting weights which was really good for my shoulders actually.

Office visit moved from Thursday to Wednesday this week! Getting words in. #dailyphoto #ig2015 #365days #amwriting

I made it to the office and got a lot of writing done. In fact, let's get to the word count update!

Sunday Word Count Check-in!

Expected Word Count (Jan 17): 25,500
Total Word Count (Jan 17): 29,831

Still ahead of the game even after taking yesterday off from writing. I am up to 66k on the new book, and I bet I can finish it within a week while working on Nogiku Book 4 updates. I hope to get some words in today, but I'm not counting on it. I'll be sure to pick back up strong this coming week! Goal this week: stay ahead of the expected word count. Goal for this project: hit 80k and add in 5-10k on revisions.

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6 thoughts on “Sunday Update – January 18, 2015”

  1. I am sad to hear your birthday plans didn’t go as planned :(. I like your new website design, it’s clear and simple and you can easily find everything.

    You’re making good progress with the new book. Can’t wait to read it!

    1. I’m sad too. We were going to go out for ALL YOU CAN EAT LOBSTER BUFFET!!! (We always say that with an added echo and booming voice because it is really that good). So I hope we can reschedule for sometime soon. I really want a fancy drink and lots of food. I just really hope my husband feels better quickly. He is pretty miserable and can barely stay awake. He’s the only one of us who didn’t get the flu shot and I hope none of us get it.

      I’m working on the new book right now! Tomorrow I start on Book 4 revisions :) Can’t wait!

  2. I like the new template, Steph. It is much quicker on my computer as well, and looks good! Sorry you were sick for your bday! Glad to see you still made words! Being sick is negatively impacting my word count *grumbles*. Hope everyone in your family gets better!

    1. Thanks LG! Yeah, I think that the site loads faster and is less cluttered leading a better experience overall. I’m going to change the fonts this week and see how it goes :)

      Fortunately, I wasn’t sick, it was just my husband. But he was REALLY sick so I had to take care of everything. I’m hoping I get a do over soon. I hope you feel better too! I hate when sickness impacts work. I would rather be writing any day.

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S. J. Pajonas