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Sunday Update – December 21, 2014

Another week gone by and I'm glad this past one is now over. Anyone else had a hard week? From what I can tell on Facebook and via other friends' blogs, this past week was especially tough. I started out the week with really big doubts to butt my head against. I was doubting my writing, my publishing, everything I believe in. It was hard to crawl out of that hole, but you know what? I'm so glad I have this blog because my friends and supporters all chimed in and helped me through that rough spot. I really appreciate them and all they do for me. I feel very blessed, and I also feel a little more confident this week.

But I am also a little more wary, believe it or not, but this has less to do with me than with the publishing industry in general. I read this really informative report this past week that made me rethink a lot of my publishing decisions. It's pushing me to evaluate everything I learned this past year and try to apply that to what I want to do next year. But more to come on that when I write my year-end posts.

In truth, things got much better this week once Wednesday was over. Tuesday, I had to give up morning gym time to go to C's winter concert which was fun even if D could not sit still. Wednesday was: get the kids to school, greet the babysitter, get a small amount of work done while sitting in the car, chiropractor, home, feed D lunch, get her to school, come home and eat lunch, go back to school for D's holiday party, pick up C from school, home for C's piano lesson, homework, early dinner, out for caroling with the Girl Scouts, frozen yogurt with the GS, home to put the kids to bed, make dinner, eat, and pass out. OMG. It was a lot. Thursday was a vacation in comparison. Lol.

I got my bookmarks from Overnight Prints! Super happy with them. Now I start spreading them around. #instagram365 #bookstagram

My bookmarks arrived! I got these on super discount. I will be spreading them to all the local libraries over the next few months. Plus I will bring them to UtopYA, and I will send them to friends across the country and ask them to put them in their local libraries. Why not?

At the office. Yes, I am writing in my car. Sigh. #instagram365 #amwriting

My car became my office. It was actually pretty peaceful.

This looks better in B&W. Works continues in all colors :)

I halted working on my current manuscript so that I could read it through and reconcile dates.

Microwave chocolate brownie to round out my day. #instagram365

On Friday, I gave away FACE TIME for free, and after all the stress of making that happen, I treated myself to a microwave chocolate brownie. Yum! It was pretty damned good.

This week will be crazy too with the holiday but hopefully a little more mentally stable ;) Have a great week everyone!

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S. J. Pajonas