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Caching In On A Great Read

Today, my friend and critique partner, Tracy Krimmer, has released her second full-length novel, CACHING IN. Woooooo! This is a big deal. I remember when she just started writing towards regular publication (she was writing before this but pushed herself to write and publish more). Her first novel, PIECES OF IT ALL, I loved because it was New Adult contemporary romance WAY out of the box. No happy ending for the couple, just for the main lead. It was daring and brave.

This novel, though, hits her sweet spot as a writer! It's funny, fun, sweet, and has a definite romantic comedy slash chicklit feel that I really adore. Ally is laugh-out-loud funny. Hearing her thoughts and how she acts on them is so familiar. I think this one will be a hit especially with Seth as a love interest (yummy). Plus, Tracy taps into a part of culture you don't hear about often: geocaching. I have friends that do this, and they love it. And I think it's a great hobby to bring people together. Tracy did a lot of research and even went geocaching herself to learn all the ropes. So expect a great ride with this book!

If you're on FB today, drop by the CACHING IN FB PARTY for a chance to win lots of books and prizes. I'll be in the party from 1:00-1:30PM EST giving away copies of FACE TIME and the AT FIRST SIGHT box set!

CACHING IN: A Geocaching Love Story by Tracy Krimmer
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Publication Date: December 11, 2014

Can a compass lead you to love?

Broken-hearted Ally Couper has had enough with her ridiculous life. Her job at the bank is going nowhere, and her love life might as well be non-existent.

Determined to try something new, Ally becomes absorbed in the world of geocaching. The high-tech driven scavenger hunt introduces her to Seth, and she realizes the game isn’t the only thrilling part.

Ally’s bad luck may finally be changing, until the past threatens to halt her future with Seth. Can they find happiness together, or is love the one cache Ally can’t find?


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About the Author

Krimmer_PhotoTracy Krimmer is an author of romance. Her first book, PIECES OF IT ALL, a New Adult Contemporary Romance, released in May 2014. Her next full-length novel, CACHING IN, is set for release in December 2014. Many more books wait to be written! Besides writing, she's also a reader, and reads all different genres.


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S. J. Pajonas