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Sunday Update – November 30, 2014

This week was a hard one. On Monday, I felt really wiped out. On Tuesday, the cold started in my chest. By Wednesday, I knew a sinus infection has started. I hate the winter. The cold weather means I get constant sinus infections, and I usually suffer through them. This year, though, I'm not going to do it. I don't want to abuse antibiotics, but I'm going to ask for them each time I get a sinus infection this winter. So this morning, after days of suffering, I went to urgent care. My face and whole head was in pain, my teeth hurt, and you don't even want to know what was coming out of my nose. I'll spare you. Starting a ten-day course of antibiotics now, and I really hope this is the only sinus infection I get this winter, fingers crossed!

Other than being sick, it was a short week what with Thanksgiving on Thursday. We went to Long Island to visit family and had a great time. On Friday, we celebrated my husband's birthday a day early and went out to a fancy dinner (just the two of us with no kids), and on Saturday, we all went out to dinner together as a family.

Today, I'm taking it easy and hoping the antibiotics start working very soon. I finished up the Nogiku Series Guidebook! And now I just need to make a cover for that (this week). I'm learning Bootstrap, reading, and will start on the next installment of REVEALED too this week. Lots to do!

I'm also contemplating a big giveaway for December. Anyone interested in signed copies of Book 1, 2, and 3 for Christmas? I may even include a Starbucks gift card :)

I'm going to have a finished hat VERY soon! #knitting

Finished knitting my Lucy Hat this week!

So, this just happened. And now I'm crying. THE END. @NogikuSeries

Finished writing Book 4 of the Nogiku Series and shed many tears. Now for revisions!

Booooo!! #instagram365

We had our first snow on Wednesday. Nooooo! Booooo!

Happy Thanksgiving! This cake didn't last. #instagram365

We had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Out celebrating KP's birthday! Got a sitter and everything.

Had a fancy night out. KP and I ate way way way too much food but had a great time.

Hope you all had a great week! xo

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6 thoughts on “Sunday Update – November 30, 2014”

  1. I am so excited to hear you finished Nogiku 4, can’t wait to read it! The snow looks amazing ;), we haven’t had any snow here, but it’s gotten cold here this week brr. I hope you feel better soon, that sinus infection sounds horrible.

    1. The snow is already gone! It’s back in the high 50ºs again here today, warm, and sunny :) Which makes me super happy. I’ll be jumping back into Nogiku Book 4 in a few weeks. Hoping to get it close to done the next round!

  2. Congrats on finishing the next book in your series! I hope that the sinus infection gets going gone quickly so that you can move on to happier things!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    P.S. I’ll be watching for your giveaway – I recently read a blog post and the blogger said that your book convinced her to give sci-fi another chance because it was so amazing. I definitely want to read it!

    1. Hi Nicole! Thanks for dropping by :) I also hope this sinus infection is gone soon. I’m three doses of antibiotics in and already feel better but I may have a few more days before I’m back to normal.

      Wow, it’s great to hear people talking about my books. I’m glad the other blogger enjoyed it. That warms my heart <3 I should have the giveaway ready to go by the end of the week! Stay tuned!

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S. J. Pajonas