Lots of good things available today!! I loved this short story from my writing buddy Tracy Krimmer. She's been writing these short stories around holidays that aren't really holiday stories and I love them to pieces. If you missed THE RIGHT EQUATION, you should get that too (link below), but EARLY BIRD SPECIAL is her latest short story about Francie waiting for a Black Friday Sale with her family on Thanksgiving Day. There she meets an obnoxious guy in line who turns out to be the exact opposite.
Buy it now on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00PAUK884/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00PAUK884&linkCode=as2&tag=gleeknet-20&linkId=5ADTSRSRQZY7G2LF
And don't miss THE RIGHT EQUATION too! This short story is about two old classmates that meet again at their high school reunion. Loved it.
RT @spajonas: EARLY BIRD SPECIAL is now available! Loved this new short story from @tkrimms! Only 99¢! http://t.co/1aFADzo22z
EARLY BIRD SPECIAL is now available! http://t.co/t5PIZyDmKz via @spajonas
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