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Sunday Update – September 14, 2014

Another busy week. This was our first full week back at school and it was a full moon too. Needless to say, everything went crazy. The kids were nuts, having trouble falling asleep or waking in the middle of the night. I spent many evenings staring at the ceiling instead of sleeping. Then I burnt my hand on the toaster oven pretty bad :( I think it's going to give me a pretty massive scar. Sigh. But I did celebrate my first year in publishing this past week! I wrote a really informative blog post on book sales numbers and likes and dislikes about my first year. If you haven't read it yet, check it out here.

What am I working on? Prepping for a box set launch this coming week. Yes, I'm in another box set! Very fun and exciting. I'm helping with the marketing so I'm suddenly swamped again. I'm writing Nogiku Series Book 4, and I'm at the 35k word mark which is just mind-blowing. I'm pretty sure I know where I want the story to go but right now, my first draft is more of a skeleton than anything. I'm concentrating on the main storyline and I'll add in more of the secondary characters later. I'm also editing REVEALED-PT3. I hope to have that out at the beginning of October.

Making pasta sauce on the new stove! Love! #instagram365

Cooked on the new stove and I love it! Amazing how a new appliance can improve your quality of life.

I'm at the gym! Welcome to my new routine! #gym #workout #exercise

Went to my new gym for the first time. I love it there. Hope to make there twice per week!

I still have 33g of 100g of the gradient yarn left. Will go for another stripe. #knitting

And I wasn't feeling so great yesterday. After a week of hardly any sleep, I woke up on Saturday feeling like I had been run over by a truck. I ran a low fever all day, so I spent the afternoon and evening in bed knitting and listening to THE MARTIAN audiobook. OMG, I love that book already. It may end up being my favorite of the year.

Time to get some writing in before the day is over! Have a great Sunday!

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S. J. Pajonas