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Sunday Update – Aug 24, 2014

What a crazy week! The Nogiku Series Sale ended on Wednesday, but, of course, Amazon continued the sale a few more days, so a few people got lucky discounted books. I hope that everyone that bought or downloaded during the sale enjoys their books! Don't forget to leave reviews, okay? They're so important. Even the negative reviews which I try not to read :)

My week got interesting on Tuesday when my car got a flat tire and I changed it myself! I felt bad-ass and completely wrecked afterward. The hardest part was finding the spot to stick the jack. Since the car is brand new, the lug nuts came off easy and the donut went on in a flash. Only took 30 minutes. But man, the tires on my car are HUGE. 19 inches, think. The sucker was hard to get in the trunk.

This week was filled with writing! I'm excited to say that I'm already 21,000 words into writing Nogiku Book 4 and the plot is developing. I'm very mean to Sanaa, though, so be prepared. I'm planning to get through this draft of Book 4 and end up in the 80-90k region before I send it off to my critique partners to get feedback on what I'm missing and what needs more. Then I hope to land in the 110-120k region for the final draft. So far, the word counts on each book have been: REMOVED 105,000 words, RELEASED 110,000 words, REUNITED 108,000 words. I want the most detail, action, adventure, and romance, plus a solid ending for Book 4 so I'm aiming longer. Fingers crossed that works.

Here's what else happened this week…

My favorite shelf at the Asian grocery store. Roasted eel is so good. #instagram365

Hit the Asian grocery store for supplies. Mmmm, eel.

Lunch by myself today while I waited for a new tired on the car. #instagram365

Spent a day by myself, shopping and eating at the mall, while my dealership fixed the flat tire.

Who needs a bench at the playground when you can bring your own seat? #instagram365

Who needs a park bench when I can bring my own chair and sit in the shade?

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

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S. J. Pajonas