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Sunday Update – August 17, 2014

Proving that I am totally lost this past week, I just titled this post in “July” and “2013”. Sigh. It was a very long week! I did a lot to get REUNITED up online and available, and honestly, I think I did a stellar job. I chose to do only sales, my newsletter, and Facebook ads for this book, since it's the third in a series, instead of doing a blog release blitz or tour. The people who want to read this are the ones that have read the previous two books so it didn't make any sense to parade it around like it was something brand new. That being said, I will still be doing release blitzes and tours for other stand-alone books in the future. This was a special case.

Sales continue on all the books! REMOVED has been downloaded for free or purchased almost 2500 times since it went on sale. This is epic for me. It's not Bookbub numbers, but it's a win. Advertising for this included a Freebooksy, some FB ads, and then I submitted it to about 30 free book sites. It's had steady downloads everyday. RELEASED was on sale as well and has done well. I'm pleased! I'm also happy to see people leaving new reviews of REMOVED and clicking on the links at the back to buy RELEASED. Sales have grown stronger on iBooks and Kobo, and flagged on Barnes & Noble, which is boggling. *shrugs shoulders*

This week included…

I have A LOT of proofreading changes to input tonight. Sigh. Better get to it! #instagram365

Lots of proofreading changes.

Instead of sitting at home waiting for emails, we opted for the pool and reading time. #instagram365

Reading at the pool…

I wish I could spend every Release Day like this. Maybe only release books in the summer?

More reading at the pool…

Release Day breakfast put BY MYSELF. No kids :) Red velvet pancakes and my kindle. #instagram365

Red velvet pancakes on Release Day

Release Day flowers from KP :)

And flowers from my awesome husband on Release Day.

I'm glad release week is over because now I'm concentrating on two new projects! Having fun! And I hope you are too.

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S. J. Pajonas