REUNITED is creeping up on me! Did you see the exclusive excerpt I posted on Saturday? If not, go see it now!
In the meantime, I'm promoting both the books that come before it. Here's the third REMOVED teaser, and the whole paragraph that quote is from.
I head for my tiny closet and pull out the five yukata I own. Right away, I’m drawn to my amethyst purple cotton one. It has a cherry blossom pattern on it I’ve always loved. Though I almost never get to see fresh flowers in real life, I could stare at this motif and imagine them in my head, like spring in Old Japan. Pink and white trees and a carpet of petals on the ground, the spring winds blowing the branches until they give way to the green leaves of summer.
Read REMOVED today!
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#TeaserTuesday Springtime! Sanaa chooses a yukata for a party in REMOVED @NogikuSeries
Teaser Tuesday: Springtime via @spajonas
Teaser Tuesday: Springtime via @spajonas
Teaser Tuesday: Springtime via @spajonas
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