Here are some random thoughts going through my head these last few days.
BEA 2014 is in two weeks and I still have no idea how to attend. Their site is so convoluted and the sign-up form is hard to use. They really need to fix this next year. I hope to be going on the 31st as an author since I have an ISBN. We'll see if I can figure it out.
I like to help people, and I often give of my free time to coach people or give advice or even help them design websites or other such involved things. I rarely ask other people for help. I have a tough time admitting that I need help, and then actually asking for that help is even more difficult. Please do not offer me your help and then not respond when I follow through. This whole business of being an author is full of rejection. We get rejected by our critique partners, beta readers, agents, editors, publishers, readers, and reviewers. Show the courtesy of a response. End of story.
I'm glad the weather is nice again so I can spend more time outside. I've been going on long walks lately, and I started hooping again! We're getting a deck built out in back of our house. I plan on writing there a lot this summer.
Edits of REUNITED are going well! I'm slashing subplots and trimming each chapter by ten percent. This part of the four-book-story-arc is really good, and I can't wait to release it in late summer! Edits on REVEALED: Part One are done, and it's off to my mom for some quick proofreading. It's my intention to make this story free everywhere as long as Amazon plays nicely. Hopefully you can all help when the time comes.
The full moon threw everyone in my family for a loop. Both kids are nuts, and I've barely slept in days. Ugh. I need a vacation FROM the moon! (I was just thinking about those scifi stories that take place ON the moon. No thanks. I'm no friend of the moon these days.)
I am gearing up for a very productive summer starting with a brand-new first draft next month for my NA best friends novel, code named TR. I've been brainstorming this story for a few months. I've ready to dive in.
Foggy State of Mind: Random thoughts from this past week including BEA 2014, being a helper, hooping, writing…
Foggy State of Mind via @spajonas
Foggy State of Mind via @spajonas
Foggy State of Mind via @spajonas
Foggy State of Mind via @spajonas
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