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March and April Instagram Round-up

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March and April were super busy months! After returning home from our trip to Charleston, it was time to get down to business. I worked on the last revisions of FACE TIME and all the promotional efforts that go with that. This includes producing teaser images and creating a short book trailer for the launch. Plus, I had to read it through on both my Kindle and in paperback. I am pleased to say though that I never tired of the story. I've read it a million times now and I'd read it again :)

You can see from the earlier photos in March, we still had a lot of snow on the ground for so late into winter. I was pretty happy once the snow started to melt and I could see the lawn again! I started a new knitting project too. This one is Different Lines by Veera Välimäki. I love striped shawls and I love mindless garter stitch even more so this is a winner.

We used part of our tax return on Amazon, bought a new printer, and I also treated myself to a new Paperwhite Kindle! My other Kindle was 4 years old and the battery died if you looked at it wrong. Then we purchased a new thermostat, I had breakfast out with my friend Amy, and signed the girls up for summer camp! I have camp all squared away for the entire summer. I'm proud of this accomplishment. Lol. I hardly ever get that done on time.

My oldest, C, celebrated her 7th birthday! I can hardly believe she's seven. She's so big. I remember when she was a tiny little baby who cried for hours on end :) I received kimchi in the mail, always a highlight of any day. REMOVED was entered into the Library of Congress! That took forever… many many months. I'm still waiting for them to contact me about RELEASED, and now FACE TIME is in the queue as well.

We went through a spate of illnesses here. First, an unusual virus that spiked high fevers and had cold-like symptoms. We were in Alexandria, Virginia to leave my grandmother's ashes with my grandfather's at Arlington, and my husband had to take our youngest to the emergency room. That was no fun. Then the stomach flu hit everyone in the house including me and excepting my husband. He's a lucky man.

But the best news of all is that FACE TIME is finally out and in the world! If you haven't purchased it yet, you should ;) And I'm immediately moving on to new and fun projects in my Nogiku Series world. Can't sit still for long!

I leave you with springtime. I'm so happy warm weather is returning, the trees are in bloom, and the grass is green once again!

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S. J. Pajonas