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SFR Brigade Presents: An Excerpt From RELEASED

THE SFRB PresentsI'm back again with another excerpt of RELEASED. If you missed the first one, you can find it here. Publication of RELEASED is getting closer. Only a few more weeks and you'll find out what happens to Sanaa after such a catastrophic ending in REMOVED (no spoilers!)

Today's excerpt is from the first third of RELEASED. Now that Sanaa knows her life is in danger, she needs to learn new skills and Jiro has something in mind.

You can find links to all the excerpts this week here:

“So, let’s stay busy tonight. I have an excellent idea for what we can do.”

He walks to the bedroom. I hear a lot of shuffling around, a drawer opening and closing, and out comes Jiro with an armful of paper.

“Jiro, what are you doing? Paper?”

“Yes, paper,” he says, laying sheets of used paper all over the floor. The two of us are pretty neat, and we have a lot of open floor space for such a tiny apartment. He pushes the coffee table up against the couch and lays more paper on the floor there too. I get up from the table and stand at the edge. When he’s done, he stands next to me, and we both look at it. What a mess. I want to clean it right up.

“You know, Jiro, you think I’m crazy and unpredictable? When you said, ‘stay busy,’ I had another activity in mind.”

“I know you did. I can read your thoughts.” He looks at me and smiles. My mind is always on sex with him. “But you wanted to learn stealth walking and now’s as good a time as any. We should get our socks though.” He skirts the edge of the paper floor and retrieves two pairs of socks from the bedroom. Once he has his on, he walks from me to the other side of the room normally over the paper, and the sheets rustle and crack with each step.

“Hear how much noise I make with my casual walk? Now watch.”

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10 thoughts on “SFR Brigade Presents: An Excerpt From RELEASED”

  1. Interesting way to teach her some badly needed new skills! I’m with Heidi, wanted to see the actual walk…an intriguing excerpt!

  2. Yes, this will definitely make me want to read on. I love learning things as I read, and he’s about to teach her something she (nor I!) know. Intriguing!

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S. J. Pajonas