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Winding Down

I'm finishing up all the little things and winding down before REMOVED‘s launch in 10 days. Returning emails to book bloggers. Finalizing proofs and fixing the last few typos caught by readers. Writing up blog posts for the week of publication. Adding items to my to-do list and crossing things off I've done already. Every time I look at my to-do list I have another heart attack before chanting, “I CAN DO THIS,” in my head over and over. I'm so close to my first ever book birthday. It's hard to believe it's finally happening.

I'm gathering a lot of information on a big blog post I'm planning on Publishing to CreateSpace Using Scrivener. We'll see if I get it done before the book publishes. If not, I'm saving it for the week after. I learned some really good but hard lessons this week about CreateSpace that I want to share with you all when I stop feeling so stupid :) Give me another week to get over myself!

I've also started editing Book 2! Wow, I missed this book. It's my favorite of the series. New characters. New situations to handle. And plenty of drama. Plus, I've learned a lot about clean writing since I last touched this book. I'm making things right as I go along.

In the meantime, there's also lots to do at home. The kids start school tomorrow, and there's prep work for that in progress. The weather's been lovely, too, so I've been taking them to the park and playground to enjoy the sun and fresh air. It gives me the chance to sit and read or just watch them play and have fun. Summer's almost over! Time to get back to work.

S. J. Pajonas