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I'm spending the weekend in Springfield, MA with fellow YA authors at the NE's SCBWI conference. It's going to be so much fun and totally exhausting for sure. I have signed up for a ton of workshops that are pertinent to my work and I hope to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones. I probably won't blog from the actual event, but look for activity on Twitter and Tumblr/Flickr. I'm the type of person that likes to take notes during a keynote or workshop and then tweet the good stuff after. If I try to tweet and listen at the same time, I miss too much! I'll also be sure to pass on great bits of knowledge from my friends there.

One thing to love about conferences is how energized and, yet, exhausted I am when I get home. If one thing is for sure, I will take what I learn back to my table at Panera and apply it to my work as I always do. If you're going to be there, reply! I'd love to meet you!

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S. J. Pajonas