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The Blog Is Always The First To Go

I'm a prioritizer. (My dictionary doesn't seem to think that's a word. Hmmm.) When faced with a ton of things to do, I make a mental list and prioritize one thing over another. Unfortunately, my blog is always at the bottom of that list. This past month while the blog has laid silent, my own health has stayed at the top of the list, because, as an evil man once said, “If you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything.” I kept getting this recurring cold over and over again, and no matter what I did, it just wouldn't go away. And my kids were sick. And my husband. February and March were the worst! I gave up exercising to rest and I'm not even sure it helped. Now I'm out of shape! Ha. I can't win.

Once the cold was done, seasonal allergies kicked up. Not much different than a head cold! Ugh. I've been on a merry-go-round of Allegra, Sudafed, and Benedryl for at least a week now. I hope no one else is suffering like I am!

Research for my newest venture

So, my list of priorities were such: take care of me, take care of my family, write, relax, knit, twitter/tumblr, blog.

Writing is always near the top. I may not update here or even tweet about it much, but I still have my writing time each week, and I make progress almost every day. Adult Book 1, my newest venture into the world of Women's Fiction, is going really well. Sometime yesterday I crossed the 50k mark on it! And I keep coming back to my computer happy to write this story. There's something special about it that I can't ignore.

I've also had a lot of feedback on my YA Scifi series and will be ready to start revisions again on Book 2 by summer time. Book 1 is still out on submissions! And I'll be talking about it at the NESCBWI conference May 3-5. I used the first pages of Book 1 for a critique there. We'll see what comes of that.

In the meantime, I've completed another knit for 8 in 2013 and started a new one. I've posted to my tumblr and I'm participating in chats on Twitter. If you can't find me here, I'm elsewhere on the internet!

That's the update for now! I'll be back to talk about my last finished knit, hooping, upcoming conferences, and inspiration for my latest novel.

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S. J. Pajonas