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A Birthday And Indoor Hooping

Another year here and gone and now I'm 37. When you're younger, you wonder what life will be like as you get older. Where will you be? What will you be doing? What will the world look like? I'm now into my second career with a husband and two kids. I've written 3 books and am hoping to be published. I am more fit now that I've been in 6 years. And you know what, it took me a long time to get here, but I'm happy. Really. 37 is looking to be a great year.

We had a great time over the weekend celebrating my birthday despite both kids being a little under-the-weather. My husband and I got out of our neighborhood and went to the city for a great dinner and then opera at the Met. It felt good to be doing the things we used to do all the time, and it's almost as if we've finally turned that corner. You know, the corner you turn once the kids are old enough to have a babysitter (my mother) put them in bed and you can enjoy your evening out without them? It's quite a milestone!

Before going out on Saturday, I took the time to practice yoga in the morning while my husband took the girls to the gym. Afterward, I got out my hoop and just worked on hand hooping for a little bit. Nothing exciting or major but I'm working on my isolations so I thought I'd take video to see how it looks from the other side. I almost got the cats eye linear isolations! This inspires me to do more hooping at home. It's 20 degrees outside, so it's not like I'll be hooping outdoors anytime soon. So indoors I go!

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S. J. Pajonas