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2012 Was The Year Of Japanese Food!

Welcome back! December was a busy month, full of holidays and, unfortunately, sickness, but that's all behind us now, thankfully! I started off the new year in fashion. Went to bed before midnight on New Year's Eve, slept in on New Year's Day, had mimosas with breakfast, and knit all day long. Not a bad way to bring in 2013.

This is going to be a big year for me, I can feel it. The right editor and publisher are out there for my book(s) and I'm sure we'll meet soon. I'm remaining exceptionally positive and I have lots of faith my agent is on the right track. So I'm concentrating on Book 2.5 and, as I write it, I'm making notes of possible revisions to Book 1. When I'm not writing, I'm taking care of the family, knitting, and exercising. That's the plan for 2013.

But you know how sometimes you don't make a plan to do something and it happens anyway? Looking back on all my photos from 2012, I realize that it was The Year of Japanese Food for me. I cooked it. I bought it. I ate it!

Reflecting on all that I ate and made, I'm really proud of myself. A lot of this was trial and error. I bought new cookbooks, I read a lot of Japanese food related blogs and news stories, and I made eating Japanese a part of my life. I want to continue doing this. It made me really happy.

What was a big surprise for you in 2012?

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S. J. Pajonas