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November Is Finally Over

I am so glad this month is done! It came in with the roar of a hurricane and a week of silence (no power), continued to give me a stomach ache all month long, and ended on a really flat note. Flat, as in, I'm sick of winter already and it hasn't even begun.

But tomorrow starts the last month of 2012 and I am welcoming it with open arms. I'm ready to get into the holidays and put November behind me. I didn't accomplish anything I set out to do in November so maybe December and January will be better.

My collection of hoops minus the two new ones I just got.

So, a NaNoWriMo wrap-up is warranted. I wrote 38k words during this month and it's just the beginning of a really great story. I may not have hit the goal for the month, but it was never my intention to just write blindly and make a crap first draft. I always go into a new novel knowing the first draft is a great jumping off point. It deserves revisions and there will be things to keep, but it's not an exercise in just dumping words on the page.

I expect to hit the 50k mark sometime next week! And I will do a little twitter dance when that happens. It looks like 4 of my NaNoWriMo writing buddies hit or surpassed the 50k mark during November and I salute them! Good job, ladies!

I'm planning a series of posts for December on Japan in Winter. Hot pots. Onsens. Festivals. Should be a lot of fun! There's plenty that's magical about Japan when the temperatures drop.

In the meantime, I'm writing, working out with Core Fusion, and hooping, of course. I just got some smaller twin hoops for winter practice. I hope I get to use them this weekend! I've been practicing with my minis too. Just keeping them going in one direction is challenging. Someday I hope to really be swinging them around.

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S. J. Pajonas