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What Keeps Me Sane

It's summer in publishing which means a lot of things: people are still working but abbreviated hours and going on vacation, people are reading manuscripts but then waiting for other people to get back from vacations to discuss those manuscripts, people are enjoying the warm weather, etc etc. What does this mean for me since my manuscript is sitting on desks and in queues all over Manhattan? I need to keep myself busy while I wait for word back from said people.

So there have been a lot of trips to the pool.

We've had trips to the pool.

We've had picnics in the grass out back.

We've had picnics in the grass out back

And I won't lie, there have been a lot of mojitos... and beer... and wine. It's the summer after all.

And I won't lie, there have been a lot of mojitos… and beer… and wine. It's the summer after all.

But the thing that really keeps me sane in face of all the waiting are my creative pursuits. Yes, I'm still writing. All the time. Just because Book 1 is awaiting the right publisher does not mean that I kick back and take it easy. No no no. I'm a worker. I love to work! I'm a Capricorn, after all (I hope you read the previous blog post), and I like to have goals and deadlines and things to keep me busy. So I keep writing and revising Books 2 and 3 in my series while I wait.

Sometimes that's not enough though. I need more in the creative arena! Which is why I have knitting. Knitting was my first creative love that I tried and really stuck. I tried drawing (I'm horrible at it). I tried building websites (fun! And I'm actually good at it but it was stressful doing it for other people). And then I picked up knitting and that was it!

Between paragraphs and chapters, when I need a moment to think about what my characters will do next, I knit. I just wanted to pop in here and show you what I've been working on. This knit, Stripe Study, is a shawl I finished last night! If you want to know more, check out the Ravelry link after the photo.

If we're not friends on Ravelry, please let's be! You can find this project at

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4 thoughts on “What Keeps Me Sane”

    1. Thanks Beverly! I had a bunch of different colors to choose from and it was hard to make a decision! But I’m glad I went with something a little “out there.” I think it’ll bring some cheer to plain outfits.

  1. That is GORGEOUS! Love it! And as soon as I remember my ravelry password, I’ll <3 it, too (a tiny incident with clearing my cache, including the autofill function… oops!) *crossing my fingers* that your book is loaded on a few editor's e-readers as they kick back at the beach! 

    1. Thank you so much!! I really enjoyed knitting it and would totally make another one. I’m always in need of shawls while writing at Starbucks and Panera :) Too much air conditioning! I hope my book is making great summer reading, too. Fingers crossed!

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S. J. Pajonas