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Over 10,000 Words Worth Of New Ideas

While queries are out with agents on REMOVED (Book 1) and Book 2 is awaiting more feedback for another round of revisions, I have sallied forth to Book 3. I have the momentum so I'm going with it. I started writing on or around March 3, and today at March 7, I have blown past the 10k mark. It's funny that once my brain gets into “new material mode” I am able to just sit anywhere and see the events unfold in my mind. Sure, I write, go back and do little revisions, then move on, but, all in all, I have a game plan coming together in my head, and I write it as I see it.

For the first time I ever, I took the time to give my overall story arc some thought before really getting into the story. I opened a blank email and I sent this wickedly long and rambling stream of consciousness diatribe to my friend, Lolly. It contained all of the basic ideas I have had for finishing off this section of the series and just seeing it all there got me choked up. This is it! The story that came pouring out of me about a year ago has an end!

Well, almost. You see, I realized that this story is so much bigger than just these four books. And like several other writers who have come before me, there is no way I'm going to stop. I'm starting to see the bigger picture, what happens before and after this story I'm writing takes place. It may sound a little crazy now, but it's seriously a lifetime's worth of work, and one I'll gladly take a hold of and write until it comes to an end.

In the meantime, the story needs to be told to actual people! I'm working on so many fronts: writing, revising, and querying. And then I have a ton of ideas about what I can write about here once the books start making the rounds with readers who are absolute and complete strangers to me.

So I'm taking any bad karma I may have and I'm tying it up and walking away from it. Time to put any doubts I've had behind me, because this is worth working hard for and caring about.

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4 thoughts on “Over 10,000 Words Worth Of New Ideas”

  1. Ok, now I’m going to add another comment and see what two comments look like stacked on top of each other. This is where being an ex-website coder comes in handy. I still got the skills!

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S. J. Pajonas